If we take a stem with developed leaves, such a branch is called a plant shoot. Active buds and several pairs of plates can be clearly seen on it. Cuttings of the shoots are called cuttings. These are the ones that are used in the vegetative propagation of crops. Another popular name is stem cuttings.

The most important function of the leaf is photosynthesis. Also, the organ is responsible for water evaporation and gas exchange. All this occurs due to the pores on the surface of the plates. Therefore, if the crop withered and, its leaves wilted, there is no point in watering the plant – it has nothing to evaporate moisture.

Photosynthesis is the process of recycling light and carbon dioxide. Organic substances are produced during photosynthesis. They are used by the plant to build amino acid molecules and other elements (fats, organic acids). Solutions of organic and mineral substances move along the veins.

The leaf has a complex structure – notched or smooth on the edges of the plate, the petiole (which is attached to the stem, it may not be – sessile leaves) and leaflets (only in some plants). Toothed plates may be serrated or crenulated.

There are several leaf types: rounded, oval, lanceolate, heart-shaped and others. They can be simple or complex: with one or more laminae.

The leaves of the plant have a different arrangement. They can be opposite or alternating. If you take two nodes (the place of attachment), the distance between them is called the internode. There is a whorl arrangement, when the leaves of a plant are gathered in a bundle and arranged opposite each other. The bases of the leaves of the plant may have leaflets.

The stems, leaves, and roots of the plant are often attacked by pests. All parts of the crop become “homes” for insects, and the root system rots when the soil becomes too wet.

The leaf deforms as the plant adjusts to growing conditions:

Spines – like cacti;
Whiskers – developed with weak shoots for attachment;
Phyllodes – deformed stem responsible for leaf function.
Leaf cuttings are used for propagation. Particularly when obtaining new plants of the family Thistle, Sedum and Pepperomia. Part of the leaf propagate begonias and some succulents. There are variegated crops – for example, poinsettias, some species of abutilon.