The subject of study in botany is plants: their structure, growth, kinship, possibilities of rational use.

There are 5 main tasks of botany:

  • The study of plants in order to increase their resistance, endurance and yield.
  • Determination of new plant species, possibilities of their use.
  • Studying how plants affect the human body.
  • Determining what the role of humans in the conservation and development of plants on the planet.
  • Genetic transformation of plants.

Basic research methods in botany 6:

  • Observation Method. It is applied at macro- and microscopic levels. It is based on the establishment of the individuality of the studied object, with no artificial interference in the processes of vital activity of this object. The information obtained during observation is investigated further.
  • Comparison method. The object under study is compared to similar objects. This helps in classification, as the comparison identifies similarities and differences with similar forms of the object.
  • Method of experiment. In this case, the object or process is studied in specially created on such an occasion artificial conditions. The experimental method differs in that it allows for a special intervention of the researcher in nature. Thanks to this there is an opportunity to designate the consequences of the influence of various factors on the object. This is the fundamental difference between experiment and observation. And also the experiment can be put as in the laboratory, and in natural conditions.
  • Monitoring. It is based on the continuous observation of the state of individual objects, as well as the course of individual processes.
  • Modeling. This is when individual processes and phenomena are shown and studied using simplified simulation. The advantage of simulation is that in this way the processes which are inaccessible to study in nature or in experiments are studied.
  • Statistical method. It is based on statistical processing of quantitative material. As a rule, such material is collected in the course of other studies: observation, modeling, experiment. Thanks to this there is an opportunity to identify and analyze certain patterns.